Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring Equinox Planting Oops and Mr Mulberry

The Santa Ana winds started yesterday afternoon dashing us with pleasant but not too tough (not this time) breeze, and allowed us to wake up, in early morning, to 60 degree temps.

For the first plant babies of this year's spring, we now have two types of corn planted, plus a mish mash of other seeds in another plant bed.... now that's a story...

I had egg cartons carefully planted with seeds to fortify this year's garden and eventually our dinner table. I labeled them all and set them on the couch until I was able to get an extra shirt on for going outside. Well our precious Tuckie got excited with the prospect of "mommy" going outside, and jumped onto the couch completely upsetting the egg cartons and mixing up the seeds.

After fighting back tears, I realized that these babies can still be planted in the freshly tilled patch of ground that sweet hubbie had just finished. All I could do is sprinkle the contents and pray.

Well now we can just laugh about it and watch with joy as these new spring babies are starting to peek through the dirt. It's an adventure and a surprise because we don't know what is going to come out where. We already have perhaps some greens and a squash looking plant. We'll see what happens.

Enter Mr. Mulberry, the tree outside our site (see pic). This tree I actually see as a sentry, a protector of our little domicile. We were worried that Mr. Mulberry would not do too well this year with the root damage from construction workers cutting a portion of his roots to relay the electric for the park. However I'm very happy to report that Mr. Mulberry is responding to spring very nicely. Leaf buds are forming and I can't wait until he gets back to his former splendor.

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