Saturday, April 10, 2010

Spring Odessey Continues....

Update! Today the tent room roof will once again cover our outdoor room. Though I was able to repair a part of a torn wall (with white duct tape), we did need to purchase a new tarp for our fallen canopy. Yes, our white tent room will now have a blue roof. I did, however, indulge myself in an expense that I am simply giddy about... tie dye duct tape... the blue variety. I love it and can't wait to secure our new roof with our multi-colored tape.

So now garden update!

Our winter survivors are now going to seed with the warm daytime temperatures. Another lesson learned. Now I'm crazy trying to harvest huge loads of collard greens and kale. So far we were able to give a grocery bag full of greens to our Southern raised neighbor, make a salad of raw collards, mixed in with pasta on another night and we still have a bunch... I'm still thinkin... but I may have a couple ideas... keep ya posted.

Meanwhile, the alyssums are making their spring greeting now. Sunflowers have doubled in size and we have canteloupe volunteers saying howdy as well. Corn is now planted, both sweet golden and hopi. In another patch of ground, we have green onions and radishes. We have much more planting to happen, but I'd say this is a really great start.

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