Friday, April 23, 2010

Hey pretty flowers!

The ongoing learning curve of the winter garden experiment continues. After being very happy and excited at our sturdy survivors this spring, another lesson occurs. Though it is still, some nights, below freezing... during the day it has been getting above 70 degrees. During the warm daytime temperatures, they started to grow and flourish. My excitement continued... a sustained crop I was thinking....Well within a couple weeks they had bolted up to about four feet! A couple days ago, hubbie and I were out watering and pulling the bigger weeds and I noticed with a cry of horror that he was starting to hack at the collards. He stopped at the tones of my reaction. I picked up the stocks from the weed pile, picked off the leaves that would still make a meal... then I noticed...

The blooms from the collards were actually quite pretty and happy inspiring! I ended getting so giddy about it that I not only snipped the flowers of the fallen stalks, but snipped the flowers of those still in the ground (don't worry the plants are still doing fine). I did two large vases for us in our trailer plus a nice jelly jar full for our friendly neighbor next door.

This has given me a new perspective on multi-tasking... even when plants can't give you food anymore, they can still give you beauty.

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