Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Renewal of Respect - For Goodness Sake Hold the Door!

I got sick. Really sick, to the tune of barely being able to stand up on my own for a couple of the 8 days I was down. I'm coming back... pretty much ok, but still have issues with appetite and fatigue. A trip to the store drains me so bad I'm wiped out for an hour after coming home before I can move in a useful manner again.

I have taken this opportunity to see life with different eyes.

I vow to always be respectful to elders, now more than ever, who walk slower then me, because now I have a glimpse of what they may be feeling inside, and if it's like what I have experienced, it's not so great. Walking up the small hill to the post office, residents several years my senior were passing my by up the hill, like a Porsche passes a Studebaker.

I realized now that something as simple as holding the door for someone, is not just a kindness, but can be a person's necessity. Always hold the door open for anyone that needs it. It's not fair to use the excuse "I didn't see them" ... look to see who's before and after you.

I believe that karma comes back to you. Treat people like you want to be treated yourself. It's been a few weeks and I can make it up that hill now with fairly good speed now, but I still make sure I can hold the door for someone.

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