Thursday, July 15, 2010


He was a brilliant little guy, deep, rich red, frolicking amongst the sunflower patch with a fellow friend. For all I know, those two might have helped plant those sunflowers, as all our sunflowers are volunteers from seeds dropped by hungry birdies attending last year's sunflower buffet. I sure wanted to get a pic of them, but half way to running to fetch the camera, they flew off... oh well.

By now our sunflowers are bowing their cheery heads as their seed centers mature into birdie power food and hopefully a bountiful crop of sunflowers next year. There is still plenty of color though. It brings a smile just looking at them.

1 comment:

  1. I hope that your beautiful sunflowers come back as thick as they are this year, too! Looking that way from my perspective, has made an otherwise disturbing view, so beautiful. Now I can look at that corner of your yard and it brings a joyful smile to my face. No longer must I grimace at what used to be just on the other side of your fence. I love the descriptive way you describe your simple pleasures of life, Kittiekat. Please keep them coming!
