Friday, July 9, 2010

Yin Yang of Perspective

Two months of lost perspective. I vowed when I started this blog that it would be always positive, and perhaps sometimes, thought-provoking. Within the last two months, sweet hubbie and I have been lost in angst over a neighbor lost in his own angst. In the interest of keeping things happy I decided to refrain from the frustrated verbal screaming that was the only words that would come to mind... (you know the old saying "if you can't say something nice...") Therefore I obviously have not been posting.

For that time, I failed to see the positives that were, and still are, right in front of me. Things like the pretty rose the sweet hubbie cuts for me every couple mornings. Then there's our dear cat Spot who does her big morning stretch atop my pillow, kneading her claws into my scalp and when I raise my head to squawk about it, there is our floppy eared Tucker, bright eyed and panting his doggie smile as if pleading for us to open the door to let him out for his morning constitutional.

These are only a couple on a mountain of small but priceless positives that are so special. Now if you'll excuse me, the dog is trying to eat the cat.... or maybe the cat is trying to teach the dog a lesson... who knows. Just another treasured moment.

1 comment:

  1. kittiekat, this is beautiful, well composed and truly inspiring. You have taught an old dog some new tricks and have inspired me to "see in the moment" all my blessings in a whole new way. I love fuzzy critters, all the photos, and the whole set up! I know Karen would love this and I have a friend in Fl who would really love this. I am hooked up so when you post a new blog, I get it on my IM. So keep up the inspiring work my sweet Sis. I am absolutely impressed with this. Thank you, I have needed something like this to keep me inspired to write, as well. Teach by example, you've nailed this one! luv u and please, please keep posting now. I so enjoyed this and can't wait to read more.
