Monday, January 16, 2012

Sorry Forgivin' Kittie

Falling to sleep according to Spot.

Aw the softness of the blankie, cuddly warmth of Daddy's leg... the peace of sleep is upon me. Today was such a wonderful day and now I can ease into.... oops!... um....

I guess at each night I gotta come to peace with my day's events... oooookay.

I know I scratched on Daddy's leather jacket today. It smelled really good and I would have gotten away with it, if Mommy hadn't heard me scratching, then she mentioned to Daddy and I still would have gotten away with it, but my claw got stuck! Daddy helped me off the coat, but I think he was miffed too... I think the it's ok though. Daddy wore it today.

Then there's the dog bolting off the bed. I just thought his back needed scratching... I didn't know he didn't like my claws.... just trying to be a good lil' sis.'

...And the spilled food dish this morning... it could be that no cat is purrrfect, but could it be that the bowl was left in the wrong place? If that is the fact, I forgive my beloved humans for being less cat-like, and forgive the canine for...well...being...(I mean who else am I going to beat up on)... oops no I didn't say that!!


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