Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A Visit from Myrtle

I was beginning to think it would never happen. All other surrounding neighbors have had their yards picked clean of seeds and weeds, but it was like our yard was a large black hole never to be graced by a visit (probably due to our rambunctious Tuckie!

Not any more!

My husband, Lauren, called from outside to "come look!" I hurried to the window, and to my delight there she was!

 Assuring myself Tuckie was still inside, I quickly got my camera, went outside, and started snapping pics. You would have thought Elvis had just visited! Yeah, I'm a dork.

After careful contemplation, she deemed our yard suitable for her presence and descended from the fence to our yard and began dutifully pecking about. Lauren went and got some popcorn seeds and tossed them towards her, of which she was eagerly grateful.

 You're welcome anytime Myrtle. We'll keep some feed handy for ya!

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