Friday, October 7, 2011

Purrrfect Pleasure

They seeped into my dreams, those tiny pin pricks on my scalp, coaxing me out of a sound sleep. Not yet focusing, I attempt to raise my head only to discover I'm practically suffocating against soft warm fur. The weight on my head told me I was also being used as a pillow. Speaking of pillow, I realize my little aggressor staked claim on my entire pillow and I was practically off the bed.

Fully awake now, I unceremoniously reclaim my pillow while muttering a couple un-Mommy-ish comments. Spot the kittie cat resettled herself, still on my pillow, but staying off to the side (probably waiting until I fall asleep so she can start the whole routine over again...yes of course I know this... this isn't my first pillow theft situation).

I prop myself up on my elbows and regard our little feline fuzzy butt. She looks up at me, with contented almost closed eyes. Then stretches forward and touches her nose to the tip of mine. A gentle paw taps at the side of my nose as well. Yes I being played. I lay my head down and she moves in for the victory... she cuddles up around my head, and I hear that sweet motor start up. There is no better sound in this world than a kittie cat purring. Her simple little life, has definitely become my simple pleasure. She wins me over every time.

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