Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Breakfast Christmas!

It's sooo bad it should illegal! I just know that the food police is coming for Nut and me right now as I type. We elected to have a quickie brekkie this morning so we got some help from the freezer. Straight and steaming from the microwave, was our biscuit filled with sausage, egg and cheese, washed down with some sinfully sweet eggnog sprinkled with a bit of cinnamon. Not the prettiest of breakfasts, but the smell was intoxicating, and as an added bonus, I feel it's mandatory to hold the biscuit still wrapped in the paper towel it was heated in. Just cupping my hands around it is something to be savored. Our trailer was still cold due to we don't run the furnace during the night to save on
propane. So that yummy, ugly biscuit, warmed the hands quite nicely. Then there's that first bite... watch out... it's hot!... Pause to allow the steam to rise, warming the face. I tell ya, when you're ready for it, it's quite an experience. It brings me back to reading Little Women as a child. I'm thinking specifically about the chapter when it's winter, and the mama sends the girls off to school with a fresh baked potato. Not only did the potato give them lunch, but it warmed their hands during their snowy morning walk to school, just as this biscuit is warming my tingling fingers this morning.

Not sure why a frozen sausage biscuit is hitting me in such a giddy happy way, but it did so much I had to blog about it. Hmm... maybe there is still magic in Christmas.

Everybody have a safe and merry day today. Christmas wishes to you all.

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